Welcome to the new website of Andrew Langer, Bookseller. Long-conceived but not created until now, this site will operate in tandem with andrewlangerbookseller.com to showcase the unusual, uncommon and generally not easily found ephemera, books, and more that have become our stock for fairs these past years. There are less items here than we hoped as this has been put together during the pandemic of 2020 and in the shadow of the first Independent Online Booksellers Association Virtual Book Fair. We hope you will like what you see. We have for years held back show-worthy material from the major book sites. You will find that we mostly adhere to our stated interests, but that almost anything might be found here, except the commonplace. We aggressively seek this type of material and offer what we are lucky enough to find.
There are currently only a few items on this site, but most will not be easily located elsewhere in commerce. Those that are will be seen at prices that are considerably lower than can be found elsewhere. If you like what you see, we encourage you to sign up for our mailing list. Shortly we expect to add a way for your to select those categories you have interest in. We will let you know when that feature is ready and after that, the site will notify you automatically whenever we post something within your selected interests.
I encourage you to take a look around, both on this site, on our other site. Happy hunting.
Andrew Langer